For centuries farm landscapes have reminded us that wind can be harnessed for our beneft!
Now we have an even greater opportunity to tap into the same free energy...be it on land or at sea!
Feather weight carbon fiber blades start the Lakota 900 Watt machine in 6 mph winds, reducing flutter and vibration noise levels greatly... This means acceptable roof top and boat installations for the Lakota. Compare the noise to a window fan (though noise gets drowned out by rustling trees howling wind and).
One or several generators slightly larger than ceiling fans could make a significant dent in your building's energy bills...providing electricity or heat where it's needed--at the source! Localized generating means less load on power grids, no pollution, and smarter reliance on renewable supplies not affected by commodity prices or world events!
 Lakota 900 Watt (1.4Kw reportings) ) |
 SW Windpower Air Marine
DON'T BE FOOLED INTO BELIEVING OTHER PROPS HAVE THE SAME CARBON FIBER CONSTRUCTION ! ! ! ----- These smaller 400-Watt units have "composite" props that do not have fiber extending to the outer tips, creating a less efficient "flexible flutter" common with most turbines. We still recommend and sell these less expensive units... if less power is needed. But it now makes sense to consider twice the power with our new Lakota... with quieter blades than these smaller units. Consider the 50% buy-downs and long term utility buy-backs!
|  SW Windpower Air Industrial |
 A-Max Windseeker (Marine and Regular) |
To put the efficiency of our carbon fiber props into perspective...our retrofit for SW Windpower's Windseeker, increased the output from 500 to almost 700 Watts! Precision, computer designed, aircraft quality rotors also mean far lower noise levels than the original equipment. The increased rotor speed requires our stainless steel hub plate and double locking nut upgrades. Safety and durability features are further augmented with electronics that protect against surges in voltage and excessive rotor RPM. The upward furling design (very similar to the Lakota design) provides quiet, dependable power in winds speeds from 6 to 120 MPH. Other turbines produce no power after a brake is applied for protection in high winds.
Before our new Lakota, A-Max called the Windseeker upgrade "the most quiet and efficient wind turbine on the market today."
Let us help turn your electric meter backwards...while subsidies still exist!
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