Our second formal newsletter was prompted for a number of reasons...beginning with recent inquiries assuming the higher California electricity costs make our electric cycles expensive to run. For those of you interested in knowing how insignificant the increases are related to operating e-cycles, please refer to NEW ELECTICITY RATES AND ELECTRO-CYCLES (Link is also listed below, with other links to specials and other information we hope will be useful).
But the positive effect of rate increases is evident by the mushrooming numbers of applicants for California State renewable energy subsidies--rebates of up to 50% for grid tied solar/wind generator systems for homes and businesses (including home offices), which benefit from further tax breaks! The small scale wind turbines and PV solar arrays work great for us e-cycle people too...those of us wanting to be less dependent on the unpredictable flow and cost from the "energy cartel". We're already charging battery packs, and most of us wouldn't mind adding another four deep cycle batteries to feed excess wind, solar, or hydro power back to the grid to offset our power costs. The myth that it takes $20,000 to do this must me clarified! Try less than a quarter of this or even less to get started!
Besides, it's high time we ran an E-CYCLE SUMMER INDEPENDENCE SPECIAL! (Link). Why wait to the end of the summer when we're in the Independence Day mood and the weather is so good! Maybe we can make up for this last minute announcement by extending the special through July 21st, at which time we're planning a well deserved two week break. Our trip will include some training in Phoenix for wind generator "grid tie" installation, and solar tracking skylight installation tips down in San Diego. Check out the new enclosed design of these babies...now fully solar powered and protected from dirt, wind, and meteorites! NEW SOLAR TRACKING SKYLIGHT DESIGN (Link).
We had hoped to visit our Mexican friends in Durango, Puebla, and Monterrey during August to plan partnership manufacturing of cycles and some other sustainable products, but may have to postpone this trip to later this Fall...all depending on your response to our E-CYCLE SPECIAL (Link). We hope you'll keep us busy all summer filling your orders (and your referrals' orders). We pray this is the case, as we do wish to make headway on our joint US-Mexico venture making "second generation Charger" bikes (whatever they're called) and hub motor kits. After selling about 500 of the over 1000 "Charger" bikes Electroportal purchased, production plans could get serious. Any of our bike customers sending future buyers our way, make sure to tell them to mention your name for the $ FIFTY FRIENDS-FINDER'S FEE $ (Link) we're now offering (for bikes and trike purchases only at this time... specials excluded).
But before saying another word, we'd like to thank all of you for your interest in our e-cycles and the other recent product offerings. For those of you who bought e-cycles and electric kits from us, we hope the summer weather is making your rides most pleasurable, and invite you to share your experiences (and photos) with us. Several of you have already volunteered the use of your testimony, and we hope to publish these thoughts in good time. Plus we always encourage everyone to writes us with thoughts that could help us serve you better...whether you've bought from us or not! Here in San Francisco we like the bikes mainly for hills and wind, but a Sacramento customer pointed out the same effort moves her faster to keep her cooler! (Check our SPRING NEWSLETTER (Link) for ideas we got from customers wanting bike trailer options and other E-portal news.)
We apologize for the delay in getting this second newsletter out and encourage you to check other links below for other news and information. Also we ask you to overlook the inconvenience of having to call in orders instead of using the automated "shopping cart". Since we've been delivering mainly to resellers at this stage, it made sense to continue taking individual orders over the phone too. But we may need fire up the automated charge card feature by next week, depending on your response to the SPECIAL! Note: Please disregard the pre-paid deposit requirements in the "purchase agreement" for COD orders, unless you are outside the lower 48 Continental States.
As our "clean energy" and "efficient lighting" sections mature, we aim to offer the advice and swift order response we're trying for with the cycle products...out of our Manteca and San Francisco warehouse locations. We expect to accomplish these goals despite the distinct possibility of delays due in part by the high current demand for these goods (pun intended)... also due to the busy schedule of knowledgeable site engineers and installers. Any of you planning a career change and/or looking to train for a fulfilling job may want to also consider HVAC skills that transfer directly to fuel cell stationery and transportation power plants. There's no reason why the cell should not be modular to accomplish both personal transportation and small building energy needs.
In the mean time, we are trying to help you "do more with less" by making these great products accessible to you. For those of you who have not had your questions answered yet, please e-mail or call our toll free number. The bike biz goes in spurts, and we have had to prioritize our responses according to customer needs and our capabilities. Please keep in mind the occasional errors due to human or machine imperfections...and "_ _ _ _" happens!
From all of us at the ELECTROPORTAL , thanks again for your interest.
Best regards,
Sam Wonderly
Above referenced links:
Other links: