Many of you cannot afford to buy a CHARGER BIKE, e-trike, or a kit...even at the reasonable prices we're offering them for.
For CHARGER bike purchases, we have worked with some of you...offering half the money up front for the bike without the propulsion pack. When the balance is paid, you'll get the power pack.
For e-trike options, we have forwarded the names of people selling used non-powered adult trikes...that easily take the front wheel drive motor kits. The savings may be significant, depending on whether the used trike is in your area. Many customers have regretted not spending a two or three hundred dollars more for a new rig, but since they couldn't spare the money at the least they got themselves into the saddle. Some used trikes are like new!
We've had people ask us to finance a bike so they can be mobile enough to get a job! "CATCH 22" predicaments many of us find ourselves in usually have a way out! We suggest you speak with a Salvation Army officer in your area (or a Church pastor, potential job provider, etc...), telling them we will ship out CHARGER bikes without the "propulsion packs" at half the get you rolling. If they don't offer you help with the money, they may find you a used bike to get you moving until you can pay for half a CHARGER!
Unfortunately, we are a small company that neither has the financial or the human resources to set up payment (and collection) procedures. I.E., we aren't a Bank! Plus, we've learned that even offering credit and bikes on consignment to established shops has gotten us into trouble. A couple of shops never even bothered to put an hour of assembly time into them to be able to display them! Others are over six months delinquent with their payments. Others haven't forwarded the bikes on, as they had formally agreed to. The list goes on. For this reason, we are no longer leaving bikes on consignment...but rather requiring a minimum of three to be purchased to establish a good faith resale relationship.
Now if you lived in San Francisco area and wanted to work off the purchase of a cycle, this could certainly be arranged!
Have faith, and safe/happy cycling!